Dwight A. Pryor

Misconceptions About Jesus and the Passover


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Many are the misunderstandings of the most dramatic 24 hours in history -- from the Passover seder to the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. What was the actual sequence of events? Who were the key players in the "Passover Plot?" Who killed Jesus and why? How long was Jesus really in the grave? Has God rejected Israel for rejecting Christ? These are just some of the issues clarified in this fascinating and informative study.

Four downloadable teachings in this series:

  1. Misconceptions About Passover
  2. Who Killed Jesus?
  3. The Passover Plot
  4. Has God Rejected Israel?

Digital media is available immediately upon purchase. See the details tab for more information.

Your purchase helps us share the Hebraic nature of the Gospel with Christians. Thank you and enjoy!

HOW TO ACCESS YOUR DIGITAL STUDIES: Electronic media is available immediately upon purchase. Your order confirmation email contains direct links. Also, a record of your purchases, including links to digital files, is saved in your account area so you can listen anytime, from anywhere.


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